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Hargreaves, A. (2019). Teacher collaboration: 30 years of research on its nature, forms, limitations and effects. Policy, Teacher Education and the Quality of Teachers and Teaching, 25 (5), 103-121.

In this paper, the author synthesized his 30-year work on collaboration to describe the formal and informal approaches to collaboration that are available to teachers. He highlights that when a culture of individualism is transferred to a culture of collaboration, it has a positive effect on student achievement, and teacher motivation and engagement. The most important part of the collaboration is the collaboration away from the classroom unlike the time spent in the classroom during co-teaching. Furthermore, he highlights that the school leaders’ support plays a crucial role in effective collaboration culture. The author summarized some of the collaborative activities in the schools that increase teacher engagement in his paper; professional learning communities, collaborative planning, learning walks, instructional rounds, collaborative inquiry, lesson study, school networks, data teams, self-evaluation processes, and peer review.

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