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Chow, J.C. (2022). Collaboration to Support Language and Learning Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58, 143 – 145.

This article is a synthesis of research offering practical guidance for practitioners. In the article, the author emphasizes the importance of collaboration between teachers and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to enhance the educational outcomes for students with disabilities. The article highlights various collaborative strategies, such as co-teaching and shared book reading, that leverage the expertise of both teachers and SLPs to provide language-rich instruction and support for students, including multilingual learners. It discusses models like team teaching and station teaching, offering practical examples for implementation. Furthermore, the article explores how collaboration can address the misidentification of multilingual students for special education services by improving assessment accuracy. The article also touches on the role of families and broader social networks in supporting children with autism through interdisciplinary collaboration. Overall, the article advocates for a proactive, data-driven approach, grounded in frameworks like multitiered systems of support (MTSS), to ensure that students receive the appropriate interventions in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The series concludes by calling for strong administrative support to sustain effective partnerships and ensure equitable outcomes for all students.

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