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Davison, C. (2006). Collaboration between ESL and content teachers: How do we know we are getting it right? International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 9:4, 454-475.

This important case study of collaboration in an international school discusses some of the underlying assumptions about collaboration by building on the notion of partnership teaching (Bourne, 1989; Bourne & McPake, 1991) between ESL/EAL teachers and content teachers. Davison also describes an “emerging framework that draws on teacher talk and critical discourse analysis to describe and evaluate the stages of collaboration and the different levels of its effectiveness” (p. 454). Davison’s framework includes five levels of collaboration: 1. Pseudocompliance, 2. Compliance, 3. Accommodation, 4. Convergence, 5. Creative co-construction.

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