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Pletser, J. (2019). Inclusion in the international school context: Implications for school development. Journal of Research in International Education, 18(2), 199–211.

This article explores the development of inclusive practices in an international school. The qualitative case study investigates how the school removed barriers to learning for three students with varying levels of learning support needs: mild, moderate, and intensive. Data consisted of interviews, observations, and document review. The findings highlight that successful inclusion is a dynamic and continuous process that requires a strong focus on learning, access, and solution-seeking. The school…

Continue ReadingPletser, J. (2019). Inclusion in the international school context: Implications for school development. Journal of Research in International Education, 18(2), 199–211.

Theoharis, G., & O’Toole, J. (2011). Leading inclusive ELL: Social justice leadership for English language learners. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47, 646-688.

In this study, Theoharis and O’Toole investigate the type of leadership needed to create socially just schools for MLs. Through a comparative case study of two elementary schools, the authors show how two principals applied different administrative strategies, such as professional development and moving away from pull-out models. They argue social justice for MLs cannot be achieved in the absence of inclusive services, which must value “students learning English and…

Continue ReadingTheoharis, G., & O’Toole, J. (2011). Leading inclusive ELL: Social justice leadership for English language learners. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47, 646-688.

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