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Jackson, C. K., & Bruegmann, E. (2009). Teaching students and teaching each other: The importance of peer learning for teachers. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(4), 85-108.

This study explores the impact of teacher collaboration on student achievement using longitudinal data from elementary schools. Researchers found a strong correlation between the quality of a teacher's colleagues and their students' academic performance, suggesting that teachers learn from each other. The study revealed that when teachers have more effective peers, their students tend to achieve higher test scores in math and reading. This effect is particularly pronounced for less…

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Kibler, A. K., Lesser, V., Palacios, M. C., Sandstead, M., Wiger, S., Woodruff, K. S., & Bovee, J. B. (2023). A national survey of collaborative practices for secondary multilingual learners designated as English learners. TESOL Quarterly.

This study aims to explore current collaborative practices in the US, as well as investigate how the implementation varies based on districts. The sample schools were chosen through a national sample of school districts in the United States. The data was collected through a questionnaire that included multiple-choice and open-ended questions from the leaders of multilingual or EL programs. As a result, the researchers found that collaborative practices are more…

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Madigan Peercy, M., & Martin-Beltrán, M. (2012). Envisioning collaboration: Including ESOL students and teachers in the mainstream classroom. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(7), 657–673.

This article examines collaboration between ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and mainstream teachers in the U.S. elementary school context. The study focuses on how these educators envision their collaborative relationships and how this influences the inclusion of English Language Learners (ELLs). The researchers analyzed three pairs of teachers with varying levels of collaboration, from voluntary partnerships to mandated co-teaching models. Findings reveal that collaboration is most successful when…

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Mulazzi, F., & Nordmeyer, J. (2012). Coteaching as Professional Development in Coteaching and Other Collaborative Practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, Research, Reflections. Information Age Publishing.

In this narrative documentary case study of one international school’s change process, Mulazzi and Nordmeyer outline how the K12 ESOL/EAL department redefined itself and then established structures to integrate a new role for EAL teachers within the larger school community. As the department evolved, EAL teachers recognized that making the transition from isolated language teachers to integrated language specialists required attention to the change process. The authors propose that EAL…

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Nordmeyer, J. & Honigsfeld, A. (2020). Collaboration: Working Together to Serve Multilingual Learners. WIDA.

This teacher-friendly research synthesis describes professional collaboration among educators. It discusses the importance of collaboration, particularly for multilingual learners and highlights the shift from viewing multilingual learners as a separate group in need of remediation to viewing them as part of a larger continuum of English language development. It emphasizes the use of a cyclical process of collaboration, including co-planning, co-teaching, co-assessing, and co-reflecting to support the language and content…

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Ronfeldt, M., Farmer, S. O., McQueen, K., & Grissom, J. A. (2015). Teacher collaboration in instructional teams and student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 52(3), 475-514.

This study investigates the quality of collaboration in instructional teams and student achievement. The data was collected from 9,000 teachers through surveys and observations in Miami-Dade County public schools. The survey result showed that 90% of the teachers reported that collaboration with other teachers was helpful. Moreover, teachers found developing instructional strategies and reviewing formative assessments were the most helpful practices. The study also revealed that schools where the instructional…

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Sims, E. (2008). Sharing command of the co-teaching ship: How to play nicely with others. English Journal, 97(5), 58-63.

In this paper, high school teacher Emily shares her own experience of collaboration. Emily found herself co-teaching with no prior training or support. This top-down implementation of co-teaching caused a lack of understanding of the process and the purpose of co-teaching. Emily highlighted that her co-teaching with three different teachers in her first semester taught her that her and the students’ engagement and success relied on her collaboration with the…

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Theoharis, G., & O’Toole, J. (2011). Leading inclusive ELL: Social justice leadership for English language learners. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47, 646-688.

In this study, Theoharis and O’Toole investigate the type of leadership needed to create socially just schools for MLs. Through a comparative case study of two elementary schools, the authors show how two principals applied different administrative strategies, such as professional development and moving away from pull-out models. They argue social justice for MLs cannot be achieved in the absence of inclusive services, which must value “students learning English and…

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Vangrieken, K., Dochy, F., Raes, E., & Kyndt, E. (2015). Teacher collaboration: A systematic review. Educational research review, 15, 17-40.

This paper aims to provide information about the terminological framework used to define teacher collaboration in previous research. The authors identified 82 studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. After reviewing the studies, they documented findings under five categories; the terminological differences to define teacher collaboration, the focus and depth of teacher collaboration, potential positive and negative consequences of the collaboration, what is needed for successful teacher collaboration, and how successful…

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York-Barr, J., Ghere, G., & Sommerness, J. (2007). Collaborative teaching to increase ELL student learning: A three-year urban elementary case study. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 12(3), 301-335.

This 3-year-long case study describes a co-teaching model to support ELL students. The school the study is conducted within consists of students belonging to diverse cultures (largely populated by Hmong students, specifically, 80% of the students were students of color and 53 of the students are identified as ELL). In the first year of the study, job-embedded PD was implemented by the university partners, where teachers planned, taught and reflected…

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